Sourdough French Toast

French Toast is one of my all time breakfast favorites. This morning I decided to make some to enjoy. Sourdough bread is what was on hand and this would be a new experience because typically plain white bread is what’s used to create French toast. Check out the recipe and pictures. Share your favorite French toast recipe in the comments.

Sourdough French Toast

2/3 cup almond milk

2 brown eggs

1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp cinnamon

Salt to taste( usually a pinch)


Place grill pan on heated stove and add cooking spray.

Add ingredients to a bowl. Dip each slice of bread in mixture and then turn over. Make sure both sides are covered.

Put bread slices in pan and cook on both sides up to three minutes.

Serve with syrup, whipped cream and favorite breakfast side.

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