Homemade Cleaning Product Recipes Scented

Through online research, I was able to create three new recipes to share about homemade scented cleaning products. With the rising cost of groceries and supplies needed to support my everyday living needs, learning to create some of those products at home is a great money saving idea. An idea , I know many women could use to benefit themselves and or their families financially.

Some of the basic supplies you’ll need are reusable spray bottles, measuring cup/spoon (separate from those used for cooking), protective covering for clothing and adequate workspace and storage for finished products. Also labels for bottles and writing pen or permanent marker. Gather all materials before getting started helps keep things in order and no mishaps with the recipes. You will be pleased.

Recipe #1- All Purpose Cleaning Spray

1 cup of vinegar

4 cups of water

7 drops essential oil

Recipe #2- Glass Cleaner

2 1/4 cups vinegar

1 tsp liquid soap

4 cups of water

7 drops essential oil

Recipe #3- Foaming Disinfectant Spray With Scent Oil

4 cups of Water

4 tsp bleach

2 tsp liquid soap

7 drops essential oil

Please remember to keep out of reach from children and store in secure cabinet for safety.

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