In Times Like These…..

There’s nothing like enjoying the quiet, stillness and peace within your home or special place of refuge. A place where the busyness, chaos, confusion and mess of life cannot enter there in.

Often times I, myself, find solace in cooking a nice meal, listening to some tunes or engaging  in some quiet reading before bedtime. Even simple household tasks such as washing the dishes have become soothing. Life is good.

A few of the personal changes that I made involved managing my time, preparing for each day and getting more organized. Also resting, eating healthier and increasing daytime physical activity. Honestly a combination of all these things have improved my mood, energy level and optimism, despite everything going on around me on a daily basis.

So for anyone struggling emotionally, hang in there. Do what you can, while you can, for as long as you can.The most important thing to. hold onto is that everything is not outside of your reach because You CaN!.


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