Spring Self-Care Activities & You

Hello Spring. Took long enough, but we are finally here. Feels so wonderful to shed all those pounds of heavy clothing and step into something colorful, cool, comfortable and freeing. Also it is a great time to develop new self care ideas. Healthy minds and bodies are the key to a happier you. Self care is important and we should make time in our schedules to do just that.

Below is a self care activity/plan sheet. You can print off and use as a guide. Also add your own additional activities for spring.

Self Care Activity Plan Sheet

RoutineActivitiesTime SpentSpecial noteOther

Journal writing outdoors
Listening to natural sounds recording
Weekly at home spa days
InventiveCreate a flower painting
Make a seasonal food recipe
Explore a foaming soap recipe using natural scents
Start an indoor/outdoor garden
Have a candle making party
CommunalVisit a local farmers market
Go on a nature walk or hike with a friend
Attend a home and garden expo
Enlist friends to help with decluttering your closets
Join and or start your own book club

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